THE BIG CITY OF commonly known as just THE BIG CITY
The Big City is a liminal instance inside an infinite number of realities. It has no definite dimensions and the features within it may vary, though some are, in fact, unchangeable.
Natives of the Big City know in every moment what the city map is, even when the city changes.
Natives of the Big City are also the only ones that can read anything inside the city borders, and that are able to understand the city’s name. The others will just be unable to catch the sense of what they read and hear, as it happens in dreams.
News and informations are mostly shared orally, as a lot of people inhabiting it aren’t native.
Being a partially oneiric world, some things are simply there without explanation, and can disappear the same way, as it happens in dreams.
The Big City borders with other instances, and people is free to travel from instance to instance anytime, this world is free (but not free of risks).
The Big City inhabitants are sentient animals. They may shift their appearance from full quadrupedal to bipedal with hands, at their will.
Sentient animals are all vertebrates, though it’s not sure if fishes are sentient. In doubt, they’re excluded from being food.
The only source of animal proteins allowed as food inside the city are insects and eggs. There are insects farms and birds donate their unfertilized eggs to the Street Kitchens, that are everywhere in the city.
These will feed everyone that ask without asking for compensation, as there are no money in the Big City. The base of society is collaboration.
More on Street Kitchens:
About meat consumption
Acts of violence are greatly ostracized by the inhabitants of the Big City. Someone caught acting violently against someone else risks being beaten, recidivists will risk being isolated from the rest of the community, a fate that in a place where collaboration it’s fundamental may be worse than death.
They’d also risk to damage their karma, that as we’ll see,may be problematic.
There are no humans in the Big City. There are people that vaguely remember having had human shapes, but they’re now a different specie.
Animals of the Big City live other lives in their dreams. They literally share someone else’s living somewhere else snippets of lives. They may or may not remember what they have dreamt, as it happens here.
The worse an animal karma is, the worse are the lives they share, and they’ll remember more and more of these. An animal with a very bad karma will soon be unable to rest to the point of exhaustion, and dementia.
Since they’re spirits, death is not always the end for the animals of the big city, quite the opposite as we’ll see. They will often be reborn somewhere, or better, they’ll simply respawn, often with stunted memories. Real rebirth, as being conceived and birthed, is possible but very uncommon.
Most part of the times, spirits will regain memories and will seek a way to get back to the City. Some though, won’t, and restart a life somewhere else.
It may happen that a spirit won’t be reborn.
It may also happen that a spirit that hasn’t been reborn will be completely erased by collective memory of most part of the people.
Animals instinctive fear this eventualities a great lot, and that’s why they usually treasure their lives.