Arcadia is a city inhabited by lots of different sentient species of animals. All of them are chordata, and have a similar level of intelligence.

These are the informations we have about it

Arcadia seems to have had an history of great scientific development in its past, as some fine technologies are well developed, though not accessible from most part of the population beside a few richer people.

That history has been almost completely forgotten. Arcadian are for the most part almost totally illiterate, except for a few words, mostly designing utilities, signs and the like. The use of written words is scarce and news are passed around orally.

No humans or memory of humans is present, but some hints in domestic species slang (being called “a pet”, being kept at a leash as an humiliation etc ) seems to be evident of them having been subdued by species with superior power in the past – though not necessarily by humans.

They have no TV or any kind of video, as most part of species can’t see transmitted images well, but they have radio. There are two radios, No Radio and Yes Radio, constantly transmitting, all day and night. These have two different names but will air the same programmes, though in asynchronous times.
Programmes are usually people fighting about whatever is the flavor of the day, and electronic music.

Arcadia is a neverending, overpopulated slum, with few blocks protected that host the Sultans and their families.
In the outskirts of Arcadia there are farmlands and few industries. Cultivated crops are mostly corn, cause Sultans need lots of ethanol. Byproducts of corn are made into low quality food for the commoners that for the most part eat that, and insects, that plague the slums.

Sultans have their own private food industry and eat sentients’ meat, either hunted in the slums, or bred.

Common people struggle to survive, work is scarce and limited to clubs, brothels, and food stands, but getting a license for these is extremely expensive, so most part of people live on the streets hustling through life day by day. There’s lots of request for work in the outskirts but people going to work there usually don’t come back.

Commoners’ average lifespan is less than 30 years.

Sultans collect money from the slums and outskirts businesses. They’re obviously filthy rich. Still, their lifespan it’s not much longer than the commoners one since clans fight each other constantly.

Outside the outskirts of Arcadia there’s a motorway network that appears to be very old and deteriorated. Nobody knows where it leads, no notice of people coming back from exploring it is known.